Like most artists I know, whether they’re painters, musicians, writers, or whatever, there are times where you just don’t know where next to go with your work. It might be because you’ve just finished a specific project or you’re just plain old stuck in the mud, but sometimes you find yourself in need of a re-charge.
When I’m in that head space, I find that I gravitate to the African art section of the MFA. I love looking at the masks and sculptures in this section. They give me a surge of excitement and joy and remind me of the endless possibility of where you can take something as ordinary as a face and make it new and fresh. There is a sense freedom from the confines of reality in these pieces that I just love.
I know some of these works are serious within the context of when and where they were created, but looking at them is like being granted a permission slip to play without restrictions… to simply let it rip and try something new and outrageous. A place where you can suspend judgement and create with impunity. If that doesn’t get your juices flowing then I’m not sure what will.